New Normal Capital, 2021

New Normal Capital is an asset management company based in San Francisco’s Silicon Valley industry that is focused on opportunities in the “new normal” post Coronavirus world. The firm focuses on ESG (environmental, social and governance ) as its underlying theme, as Covid 19 has accelerated many trends including remote working, cloud computing, telemedicine/digital health, biotechnology, super foods, autonomous vehicles, renewable energy and artificial intelligence.
The NNC Triangle logomark and identity draws its inspiration from diagrammatic charts of point sources of light to communicate the notion of ‘navigation’ providing illumination, knowledge and expertise while ‘navigating the new normal’. The NNC Triangle also draws from the universal symbols of the four elements of nature in reference to NNC’s environment, climate, renewable energy-oriented focus in the ESG space.
The concept of the kinetic triangle logo which is always transforming, moving and evolving its shape springs from the brief given by the company’s marketing team, on in its brand positioning archetypes being the “the Explorer” and “the Hero”. These archetypes served as a springboard for interpreting and developing an identity that seeks to communicate notions of being limitless yet grounded, transformative yet trusted and innovative yet dependable — all brand values that NNC identifies with.
The custom isometric grid that the identity is constructed upon draws inspiration from tetractys structures and charts. Digital layouts for web and apps will also use this custom grid, which makes adding and editing content simple to do and customisable specific to the NNC brand identity.
Identity keywords: Universal, Limitless, Point Source of Light, Focus, Energy, Renewable